On July 15, the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia wrote to the President of Georgia, requesting the convening of an extraordinary session of Parliament at 12:00 on July 18, 2024.

Today, the President of Georgia issued a decree on convening an extraordinary session of the Parliament of Georgia.

The President calls on Parliament to discuss and vote on the candidate for the National Bank Board, submitted by the President on May 24, 2024, along with the potential issues included in the agenda of the extraordinary session, to avoid any further delays in the appointment process of the National Bank Board.

Within the scope of his authority, the President of Georgia conducted the process of selecting candidates for membership of the NBG Board in a smooth and transparent manner. On May 24, 2024, she presented to the Parliament of Georgia a highly qualified candidate chosen by an independent commission.

During the candidate selection process for NBG Council membership, the administration of the President of Georgia officially requested the involvement of a representative from Parliament to observe the work of the Selection Commission. However, Parliament did not accept this offer.


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