The President awarded Sofio Sichinava, Ucha Vakhania and Dimitri Tsverava with a medal of honor on the occasion of the Day of Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The award ceremony was held today at the Orbeliani Palace at an event related to the Day of Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the president personally presented the state award to Sofio Sichinava, Ucha Vakhania and Dimitri Tsverava.

The award ceremony was held today at the Orbeliani Palace at an event related to the Day of Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the president personally presented the state award to Sofio Sichinava, Ucha Vakhania and Dimitri Tsverava.

She also awarded with the Medal of Honor the director of the "Generation" Foundation and the "Coalition of Homecare in Georgia", the chairman of the "Georgian Care Platform" Ucha Vakhania for his special personal contribution to the organization of home care - qualified medical and social services and ensuring their availability for people in need of special care in Georgia, for promoting European standards in home care, and for a biopsychosocial approach and integrated care in the field of health care.

The president also awarded the state Medal of Honor, the President of the Sports Medicine Association of Georgia and Academician, Dimitri Tsverava for his personal great contribution in the development of sports medicine, for the introduction and use of innovative methods for the physical rehabilitation and social adaptation of people with special needs, and for the development of hippotherapy in Georgia.

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