The President vetoed the changes in the "Election Code"

Today, the President vetoed the changes implemented in the "Election Code", by which the 2/3 quorum required for making decisions of the CEC is reduced to the majority of the full composition. With the change, the need for consensus among the parties to make decisions in the CEC is abolished, and the ruling party has the opportunity to make decisions practically on a one-party basis.

In addition, the President signed the change of the package of amendments “the anticorruption law”, however, she believes that the presented amendments are a facade and are fragmented, they cannot meet the requirements of the European Commission, one of the 9 conditions for joining the European Union and opening negotiations, which provides for the further promotion of the effectiveness of the anti-corruption bureau's activities and its institutional strengthening independence and impartiality.

In order to increase the independence of the anti-corruption bureau in the "Georgian Charter", its systemic reform is proposed: the election of the head by the parliament and the granting of investigative powers to the bureau.

Given today’s situation, the head of the bureau is appointed by the Prime Minister, moreover, the bureau is given the authority to implement a number of measures of special administrative proceedings in relation to election subjects, including, the questioning of an individual, the interrogation before a magistrate judge; asking of personal information, including the request of special categories of personal data, which requires even more justification so that the law is not used selectively and the bureau does not become a punitive tool against the parties in the hands of the government.

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