Georgian Charter

Georgian Charter

The Georgian Charter reflects the demands and requests of society. In its essence and spirit, it also serves to take the main steps that are of existential importance to society today.

The steps, that the signatories to this Charter are undertaking the obligation to fulfill, also reflect the 9 points of the European recommendation.

These steps are:

1.        Abolition of Laws Harmful to the European Course of the Country

We will immediately repeal all laws that contradict the European way and European recommendations. In particular, the law “on Transparency of Foreign Influence,” i.e., the Russian law, changes in the election code, the so-called wiretapping and offshore laws, and others.

We will also repeal the politically motivated cases against the demonstrators of the 2024 protests and will issue an amnesty.


2.        Liberating the Justice System and Restoring Trust

     Liberating the Court

●       We will liberate the court from clan rule by verifying the integrity of judges and inspecting the origins of undocumented properties.

●       The inspection will be carried out on those judges whose politically motivated decisions have undermined trust in the court and tarnished its reputation.

●       The inspection will be carried out on all members of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Council of Justice, the Supreme Court, as well as the presiding judges of the Court of Appeals and the City Court.

●       Inspection will also be carried out on all new judges. New judges will be added to the court, which will eliminate overcrowding and eradicate term delay violations during case considerations.

●       The electronic system of case distribution in the court will be fully implemented, in order to exclude political influences in the case distribution process.

●       Judges will not be able to hold an administrative position for a second term.

●       We will strengthen the mandate of the jury court and extend its jurisdiction to cases of high public interest.


     The Fundamental Reform of the Supreme Council of Justice Includes:

o   The excessive authority will be revoked, specifically:

●       The right to initiate disciplinary proceedings, which is a mechanism for persecuting judges.

●       The right to appoint chairpersons of administrative bodies.

●       The School of Justice will be independent from the Council.

●       The procedure for selecting judges of the Supreme Court will change: the Council will inspect candidates only according to the criteria established by the Constitution. It will submit a full list to the Parliament, which will elect them.


o   Members of the Council will be prohibited from:

●       Holding other administrative positions.

●       Being re-elected for a second term.


o   Non-judge members will have influence over important decisions within the Council.

3.        Other priority steps of the reforms will involve:

     The Prosecutor’s Office

●       The Prosecutor General will be elected with a high quorum and will only serve for one term.

●       The Prosecutorial Council will be strengthened.


     State Security Service (SSSG) / Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA)

In order to deconcentrate power, a fundamental reform of the SSSG and the MIA will be carried out. Effective parliamentary control will be established over the activities of each institution, which will protect them from political influence.


     Special Investigation Service

We will strengthen and grant the institution real independence, in order for it to protect the citizens’ rights during cases of violence perpetrated by the law enforcement authorities.


     Anti-Corruption Agency

●       We will separate it from the executive power and provide it with real means. First and foremost, we will equip it with investigative powers over corruption cases.

●       The head of the agency will be elected by the Parliament of Georgia and will be accountable to the Parliament.


     National Bank

●       We will restore the independence of the National Bank by increasing the number of board members and creating a balance between the executive and non-executive members.

●       We will exclude the possibility of adopting single-handed decisions.

●       We will abolish the order issued single-handedly by the head of the National Bank that contradicts Georgia's international obligations.


     Regulatory Bodies

●       We will liberate regulatory bodies from political influence and independent heads will be appointed in a democratic way.


4.        Improving the Electoral System

Appropriate conditions will be created to hold free and fair elections:

The process of appointing the Chairperson of the CEC and the process of staffing the CEC will be improved, the barrier will be lowered, the possibility of creating electoral blocs will be restored, the rule of funding political parties will be reviewed, and the diaspora will be given the possibility to participate in the elections without hindrance.


Creating a New Political Reality

We, the signatories of this charter, those who will receive a mandate from the Georgian people in the elections of October 26, 2024, undertake the obligation and give the promise to fulfill the steps outlined in this Charter before the end of the very first spring session. Upon completion of these steps, snap parliamentary elections will be prepared and held in a free and fair environment.

Furthermore, we promise that the government, which will be responsible for executing this action plan, will be nominated by the President of Georgia.



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